Digital Marketing Campaign Examples

Digital Marketing is the marketing of a product and/or a service through various digital technologies, mainly the internet or via mobile technology. Like traditional marketing the process involves identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer’s needs and wants at a profit.
Digital marketing achieves this aim through various unique strategies such as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Email Marketing, Viral Marketing, Micro Blogging (Twitter, Snapchat), Podcasting, Social Networking and Mobile Campaigns, plus many more.

1) Budweiser ‘Whassup?!’ Campaign: Early Online Marketing/ Pull Marketing.
One of the most eye catching, memorable advertisements in recent memory is the Budweiser ad campaign ‘whassup?!’ with the advert airing from 1999 to 2001 and relaunched for a period in 2008. Although strictly speaking the advert was initially a traditional push style of marketing, what it started was establishing the connection between online marketing and traditional marketing with the integration of both. This was achieved with the advert encouraging viewers to visit the Budweiser website.
The advert gained popularity from strategically placement such as securing an aired spot on 2000 NFL Superbowl. The 30 second advert was a hit with the targeted 21-27 year old demographic. Budweiser created the tagline ‘whassup’ and ‘true true’ from this advert which can be comparable to an early form of a Twitter hashtag. 
The advert was a success, Budweiser used the initial ‘push’ of the TV advert to ‘pull’ huge amounts of traffic to their website. As a result website traffic increased to 1.265 million visitors per month, compared to the previous year’s average of 400,000. The advert went virial as a result of online media attention and pop up parodies becoming widespread online. To this day ‘whassup?!’ is one of the most acclaimed, award winning and recognisable marketing campaigns which set the foundation, in my opinion, for companies to start to move away from the traditional marketing and instead expand into digital marketing with the realisation of the potential for an increase in sales.

2) Red Bull: - Instagram Campaign.
Red Bull is one the leading beverage brands worldwide with consumers well aware by now of their slogan ‘’Red Bull gives you wings’’. With the launch of four new flavours to the brand, Red Bull were in need of raising this expansion of the brand. The aim was to drive awareness to this new expansion and boost sales, via a digital marketing campaign on Instagram.
Red Bull used the reach of their 2.4 million Instagram followers to promote the new look cans with promotional teasers. To get audiences focused on the new look, they incorporated yellow filters across a range of images and videos portraying typical summer days. Red Bull managed to connect with consumers social paths with the #thissummer hashtag and with that the brand was twice as likely to be associated with the #thissummer hashtag trend as any of its nearest competitors.
As a result, there was a 10 point lift in ‘top-of-mind’ awareness towards the brand, a 9 point lift in favorability, a 7 point drop in the ‘unconvinced’ market and a total of 1.2 million consumers reached. The campaign highlighted the large market for launching campaigns on social media sites such as Instagram.

3) Worldwide Breast Cancer Awareness: - Facebook Campaign.
This campaign was designed to promote awareness of the various signs of breast cancer on Facebook. Labelled #KnowYourLemons, using lemons bearing various breast cancer symptoms, the advert reminded women that lumps are not the only symptom. By using an everyday object to depict 12 different symptoms. The clever use of the simple citrus fruit gets around the barrier of censorship while aiming to help women overcome fears through friendly humor.
The Facebook campaign leads back to a specialized microsite that gave more information. The image acted as a gateway to the full digital campaign, which included a quiz that viewers could take to see how much they were at risk. By February 2017, the campaign had reached over 7.3 million people in just three Facebook posts alone, securing a substantial increase in donations for Worldwide Breast Cancer. – (

4) Old Spice: Rebranding Campaign: - Youtube.
By 2009 the Old Spice brand, through poor past management and advertising, had begun to sink. The brands market share was decreasing at an alarming rate year on end even though the overall market was increasing by 7-9% each year. It was either sink or swim for the 75 year old brand.
In 2010 the Old Spice digital campaign ,’’The Man Your Man Could Smell Like’’ was launched on Youtube. The purposeful outrageous nature of ad propelled it to go instantly virial with audiences loving it. In just one week the ad alone had 40 million views.
The aim of the campaign, as mentioned, was to 1) increase market share and sales of the product, 2) a rebranding of the product from an old out-dated product to a modern product for men and 3) to encourage consumers to become personally involved with the brand through social media.
As a result of the campaign the following happened:
  1. Old Spice became the number one most viewed sponsored channel on YouTube
  2. 236 million YouTube Views to date
  3. 80,000 Twitter followers in 2 days
  4. Facebook Interaction increased 800% with the personalized videos (Fans now total over 1.5 million)
  5. Sales figures increased by 107 %
  6. Twitter followers increased by 2,700%
7.       Increase traffic to their website by over 300%.
The engagement from rich media, specifically video, can no longer with many brands now following in Old Spice footsteps and solely using platforms such as Youtube to launch their digital marketing campaigns.


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