
Showing posts from April, 2018

SWOT Analysis With Example: Diageo PLC.

The following is a S.W.O.T Analysis of Diageo PLC. S trengths, W eaknesses, O pportunities and T hreats ( SWOT ) analysis gives a comprehensive look at the company which highlights their advantages and disadvantages as a business as well as figuring out where the company is currently positioned in terms of market share, target market etc. Strengths: -          Recognised worldwide brand. -          Large marketing budget and resource allocation. -          Substantial product portfolio. -          High quality products. -          Great public relations image. -          Established dominant market share (especially in Ireland and Nigeria with Guinness) -          Strong share and distr...

Integration of Digital and Traditional Marketing.

The integration of both digital and traditional methods of marketing can be the best approach to take when designing a marketing campaign. Some of these methods include: 1) Seminars/ Webinars: Business do not need to focus on one or the other. A business can attract both the physical audience and digital audience to a conference, show or seminar through integrating the traditional methods of a physical venue etc with the digital methods of online streaming services such as Facebook live. 2) A business can ask customers to share their experiences online. So a restaurant that is providing an intangible service could ask customers to review the service or like their business page online. 3) Many businesses are now combining offline in store purchases with a promotional online incentive to the customer. For example, a company may run an online competition where in order to enter a customer must make a purchase in store or vice versa. 4) Companies are designing their ...

Differences Between Digital Marketing & Traditional Marketing.

A brief introduction into some of the differences between Digital & Traditional Marketing. 1) Media Outlets: Generally digital marketing is associated with online platforms (Social Media, Blogs etc). Digital marketing can be defined as the marketing of a product and/or a service through various digital technologies, mainly the internet or via mobile technology. Traditional marketing is the opposite to this and therefore, relies on ‘offline’ platforms (Radio, Tv,etc). 2) Cost: Digital marketing is a cost effective way of advertising in the modern world. Compared to more traditional marketing which usually requires the company or business to outsource the service of advertising, companies can now customise and control their own adverts via social media or Google Adwords. This point also ties into the fact that a business can at any time update, change or completely remove their ad with relative ease. This would not be possible with traditional print adverts such as in...